Source code for fgivenx.plot

import scipy
import scipy.ndimage
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot

[docs]def plot(x, y, z, ax=None, **kwargs): r""" Plot iso-probability mass function, converted to sigmas. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : numpy arrays Same as arguments to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contour` ax: axes object, optional :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` to plot the contours onto. If unsupplied, then :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used to get the last axis used, or create a new one. colors: color scheme, optional :class:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` Color scheme to plot with. Recommend plotting in reverse (Default: :class:``) smooth: float, optional Percentage by which to smooth the contours. (Default: no smoothing) contour_line_levels: List[float], optional Contour lines to be plotted. (Default: [1,2]) linewidths: float, optional Thickness of contour lines. (Default: 0.3) contour_color_levels: List[float], optional Contour color levels. (Default: `numpy.arange(0, contour_line_levels[-1] + 1, fineness)`) fineness: float, optional Spacing of contour color levels. (Default: 0.1) lines: bool, optional (Default: True) rasterize_contours: bool, optional Rasterize the contours while keeping the lines, text etc in vector format. Useful for reducing file size bloat and making printing easier when you have dense contours. (Default: False) Returns ------- cbar: color bar :class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` Colors to create a global colour bar """ if ax is None: ax = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() # Get inputs colors = kwargs.pop('colors', smooth = kwargs.pop('smooth', False) linewidths = kwargs.pop('linewidths', 0.3) contour_line_levels = kwargs.pop('contour_line_levels', [1, 2, 3]) fineness = kwargs.pop('fineness', 0.5) default_color_levels = numpy.arange(0, contour_line_levels[-1] + 1, fineness) contour_color_levels = kwargs.pop('contour_color_levels', default_color_levels) rasterize_contours = kwargs.pop('rasterize_contours', False) lines = kwargs.pop('lines', True) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) # Convert to sigmas z = numpy.sqrt(2) * scipy.special.erfinv(1 - z) # Gaussian filter if desired the sigmas by a factor of smooth% if smooth: sigma = smooth*numpy.array(z.shape)/100.0 z = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(z, sigma=sigma, order=0) # Plot the filled contours onto the axis ax cbar = ax.contourf(x, y, z, cmap=colors, levels=contour_color_levels) # Rasterize contours (the rest of the figure stays in vector format) if rasterize_contours: for c in cbar.collections: c.set_rasterized(True) # Remove those annoying white lines for c in cbar.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") # Plot some sigma-based contour lines if lines: ax.contour(x, y, z, colors='k', linewidths=linewidths, levels=contour_line_levels) # Return the contours for use as a colourbar later return cbar
[docs]def plot_lines(x, fsamps, ax=None, downsample=100, **kwargs): """ Plot function samples as a set of line plots. Parameters ---------- x: 1D array-like x values to plot fsamps: 2D array-like set of functions to plot at each x. As returned by :func:`fgivenx.compute_samples` ax: axes object :class:`` to plot on. downsample: int, optional Reduce the number of samples to a viewable quantity. (Default 100) any other keywords are passed to :meth:`` """ if ax is None: ax = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() if downsample < len(fsamps.T): indices = numpy.random.choice(len(fsamps.T), downsample, replace=False) else: indices = numpy.arange(len(fsamps.T)) color = kwargs.pop('color', 'k') alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 0.1) for y in fsamps.T[indices]: ax.plot(x, y, color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)