Source code for

import os
import pickle
import numpy
import inspect

[docs]class CacheException(Exception): """ Base exception to indicate cache errors """
[docs] def calling_function(self): """ Get the name of the function calling this cache. """ return inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[3][3]
def __str__(self): """ Return the cache message. """ return self._msg
[docs]class CacheOK(CacheException): """ Exception to indicate the cache can be used. """ def __init__(self, file_root): self._msg = "%s: reading from cache in %s" % ( self.calling_function(), file_root)
[docs]class CacheChanged(CacheException): """ Exception to indicate the cache has changed. """ def __init__(self, file_root): self._msg = "%s: values have changed in cache %s, recomputing" % ( self.calling_function(), file_root)
[docs]class CacheMissing(CacheException): """ Exception to indicate the cache does not exist. """ def __init__(self, file_root): self._msg = "%s: No cache file %s" % ( self.calling_function(), file_root)
[docs]class Cache(object): """ Cacheing tool for saving recomputation. Parameters ---------- file_root: str cached values are saved in file_root.pkl """ def __init__(self, file_root): self.file_root = file_root dirname = os.path.dirname(self.file_root) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname)
[docs] def check(self, *args): """ Check that the arguments haven't changed since the last call. Parameters ---------- *args: All but the last argument are inputs to the cached function. The last is the actual value of the function. Returns ------- If arguments unchanged: return the cached answer else: indicate recomputation required by throwing a :class:`CacheException`. """ data = self.load() if len(data)-1 != len(args): raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments passed to Cache.check") try: for x, x_check in zip(data, args): if isinstance(x, list): if len(x) != len(x_check): raise CacheException for x_i, x_check_i in zip(x, x_check): if x_i.shape != x_check_i.shape: raise CacheException elif not numpy.allclose(x_i, x_check_i, equal_nan=True): raise CacheException elif x.shape != x_check.shape: raise CacheException elif not numpy.allclose(x, x_check, equal_nan=True): raise CacheException except CacheException: raise CacheChanged(self.file_root) print(CacheOK(self.file_root)) return data[-1]
[docs] def load(self): """ Load cache from file using pickle. """ try: with open(self.file_root + '.pkl', "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) except IOError: raise CacheMissing(self.file_root)
[docs] def save(self, *args): """ Save cache to file using pickle. Parameters ---------- *args: All but the last argument are inputs to the cached function. The last is the actual value of the function. """ with open(self.file_root + '.pkl', "wb") as f: pickle.dump(args, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)