Source code for fgivenx.drivers

r"""This module provides utilities for computing the grid for contours of a
    function reconstruction plot.

    Required ingredients:
     * sampled posterior probability distribution :math:`P(\theta)`
     * independent variable :math:`x`
     * dependent variable :math:`y`
     * functional form :math:`y = f(x;\theta)` parameterised by :math:`\theta`

    Assuming that you have obtained samples of :math:`\theta` from an MCMC
    process, we aim to compute the density:

    .. math::

        P(y|x) &= \int P(y=f(x;\theta)|x,\theta) P(\theta) d\theta \\
               &= \int \delta(y-f(x;\theta)) P(\theta) d\theta

    which gives our degree of knowledge for each :math:`y=f(x;\theta)` value
    given an :math:`x` value.

    In fact, for a more representative plot, we are not actually
    interested in the value of the probability density above, but in fact
    require the "iso-probablity posterior mass"

    .. math::

        \mathrm{pmf}(y|x) = \int_{P(y'|x) < P(y|x)} P(y'|x) dy'

    We thus need to compute this function on a rectangular grid of :math:`x`
    and :math:`y`.
import numpy
import fgivenx.samples
import fgivenx.mass
import fgivenx.dkl
import fgivenx.plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fgivenx._utils import _check_args, _normalise_weights,\

[docs]def plot_contours(f, x, samples, ax=None, **kwargs): r""" Plot the probability mass function given `x` at a range of :math:`y` values for :math:`y = f(x|\theta)` :math:`P(y|x) = \int P(y=f(x;\theta)|x,\theta) P(\theta) d\theta` :math:`\mathrm{pmf}(y|x) = \int_{P(y'|x) < P(y|x)} P(y'|x) dy'` Additionally, if a list of log-evidences are passed, along with list of functions, and list of samples, this function plots the probability mass function for all models marginalised according to the evidences. Parameters ---------- f: function function :math:`f(x;\theta)` (or list of functions for each model) with dependent variable :math:`x`, parameterised by :math:`\theta`. x: 1D array-like `x` values to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. samples: 2D array-like :math:`\theta` samples (or list of :math:`\theta` samples) to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. `shape = (nsamples, npars)` ax: axes object, optional :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` to plot the contours onto. If unsupplied, then :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used to get the last axis used, or create a new one. logZ: 1D array-like, optional log-evidences of each model if multiple models are passed. Should be same length as the list `f`, and need not be normalised. Default: `numpy.ones_like(f)` weights: 1D array-like, optional sample weights (or list of weights), if desired. Should have length same as `samples.shape[0]`. Default: `numpy.ones_like(samples)` ny: int, optional Resolution of `y` axis. Default: `100` y: array-like, optional Explicit descriptor of `y` values to evaluate. Default: `numpy.linspace(min(f), max(f), ny)` ntrim: int, optional Approximate number of samples to trim down to, if desired. Useful if the posterior is dramatically oversampled. Default: None cache: str, optional File root for saving previous calculations for re-use parallel, tqdm_args: see docstring for :func:`fgivenx.parallel.parallel_apply` kwargs: further keyword arguments Any further keyword arguments are plotting keywords that are passed to :func:`fgivenx.plot.plot`. Returns ------- cbar: color bar :class:`matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` Colors to create a global colour bar """ logZ = kwargs.pop('logZ', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) ntrim = kwargs.pop('ntrim', None) ny = kwargs.pop('ny', 100) y = kwargs.pop('y', None) cache = kwargs.pop('cache', '') parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', {}) y, pmf = compute_pmf(f, x, samples, weights=weights, logZ=logZ, ntrim=ntrim, ny=ny, y=y, parallel=parallel, cache=cache, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) cbar = fgivenx.plot.plot(x, y, pmf, ax, **kwargs) return cbar
[docs]def plot_lines(f, x, samples, ax=None, **kwargs): r""" Plot a representative set of functions to sample Additionally, if a list of log-evidences are passed, along with list of functions, and list of samples, this function plots the probability mass function for all models marginalised according to the evidences. Parameters ---------- f: function function :math:`f(x;\theta)` (or list of functions for each model) with dependent variable :math:`x`, parameterised by :math:`\theta`. x: 1D array-like `x` values to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. samples: 2D array-like :math:`\theta` samples (or list of :math:`\theta` samples) to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. `shape = (nsamples, npars)` ax: axes object, optional :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` to plot the contours onto. If unsupplied, then :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used to get the last axis used, or create a new one. logZ: 1D array-like, optional log-evidences of each model if multiple models are passed. Should be same length as the list `f`, and need not be normalised. Default: `numpy.ones_like(f)` weights: 1D array-like, optional sample weights (or list of weights), if desired. Should have length same as `samples.shape[0]`. Default: `numpy.ones_like(samples)` ntrim: int, optional Approximate number of samples to trim down to, if desired. Useful if the posterior is dramatically oversampled. Default: None cache: str, optional File root for saving previous calculations for re-use parallel, tqdm_args: see docstring for :func:`fgivenx.parallel.parallel_apply` kwargs: further keyword arguments Any further keyword arguments are plotting keywords that are passed to :func:`fgivenx.plot.plot_lines`. """ logZ = kwargs.pop('logZ', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) ntrim = kwargs.pop('ntrim', None) cache = kwargs.pop('cache', '') parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', {}) fsamps = compute_samples(f, x, samples, logZ=logZ, weights=weights, ntrim=ntrim, parallel=parallel, cache=cache, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) fgivenx.plot.plot_lines(x, fsamps, ax, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_dkl(f, x, samples, prior_samples, ax=None, **kwargs): r""" Plot the Kullback-Leibler divergence at each value of :math:`x` for the prior and posterior defined by `prior_samples` and `samples`. Let the posterior be: :math:`P(y|x) = \int P(y=f(x;\theta)|x,\theta)P(\theta) d\theta` and the prior be: :math:`Q(y|x) = \int P(y=f(x;\theta)|x,\theta)Q(\theta) d\theta` then the Kullback-Leibler divergence at each x is defined by :math:`D_\mathrm{KL}(x)=\int P(y|x)\ln\left[\frac{Q(y|x)}{P(y|x)}\right]dy` Additionally, if a list of log-evidences are passed, along with list of functions, and list of samples, this function plots the Kullback-Leibler divergence for all models marginalised according to the evidences. Parameters ---------- f: function function :math:`f(x;\theta)` (or list of functions for each model) with dependent variable :math:`x`, parameterised by :math:`\theta`. x: 1D array-like `x` values to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. samples, prior_samples: 2D array-like :math:`\theta` samples (or list of :math:`\theta` samples) from posterior and prior to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. `shape = (nsamples, npars)` ax: axes object, optional :class:`matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot` to plot the contours onto. If unsupplied, then :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used to get the last axis used, or create a new one. logZ: 1D array-like, optional log-evidences of each model if multiple models are passed. Should be same length as the list `f`, and need not be normalised. Default: `numpy.ones_like(f)` weights, prior_weights: 1D array-like, optional sample weights (or list of weights), if desired. Should have length same as `samples.shape[0]`. Default: `numpy.ones_like(samples)` ntrim: int, optional Approximate number of samples to trim down to, if desired. Useful if the posterior is dramatically oversampled. Default: None cache, prior_cache: str, optional File roots for saving previous calculations for re-use parallel, tqdm_args: see docstring for :func:`fgivenx.parallel.parallel_apply` kwargs: further keyword arguments Any further keyword arguments are plotting keywords that are passed to :func:`fgivenx.plot.plot`. """ logZ = kwargs.pop('logZ', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) prior_weights = kwargs.pop('prior_weights', None) ntrim = kwargs.pop('ntrim', None) cache = kwargs.pop('cache', '') prior_cache = kwargs.pop('prior_cache', '') parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', {}) dkls = compute_dkl(f, x, samples, prior_samples, logZ=logZ, parallel=parallel, cache=cache, prior_cache=prior_cache, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs, ntrim=ntrim, weights=weights, prior_weights=prior_weights) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(x, dkls, **kwargs)
[docs]def compute_samples(f, x, samples, **kwargs): r""" Apply the function(s) :math:`f(x;\theta)` to the arrays defined in `x` and `samples`. Has options for weighting, trimming, cacheing & parallelising. Additionally, if a list of log-evidences are passed, along with list of functions, samples and optional weights it marginalises over the models according to the evidences. Parameters ---------- f: function function :math:`f(x;\theta)` (or list of functions for each model) with dependent variable :math:`x`, parameterised by :math:`\theta`. x: 1D array-like `x` values to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. samples: 2D array-like :math:`\theta` samples (or list of :math:`\theta` samples) to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. `shape = (nsamples, npars)` logZ: 1D array-like, optional log-evidences of each model if multiple models are passed. Should be same length as the list `f`, and need not be normalised. Default: `numpy.ones_like(f)` weights: 1D array-like, optional sample weights (or list of weights), if desired. Should have length same as `samples.shape[0]`. Default: `numpy.ones_like(samples)` ntrim: int, optional Approximate number of samples to trim down to, if desired. Useful if the posterior is dramatically oversampled. Default: None cache: str, optional File root for saving previous calculations for re-use. Default: None parallel, tqdm_args: see docstring for :func:`fgivenx.parallel.parallel_apply` Returns ------- 2D numpy.array Evaluate the function `f` at each x value and each theta. Equivalent to `[[f(x_i,theta) for theta in samples] for x_i in x]` """ logZ = kwargs.pop('logZ', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) ntrim = kwargs.pop('ntrim', None) cache = kwargs.pop('cache', '') parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', {}) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) logZ, f, x, samples, weights = _check_args(logZ, f, x, samples, weights) logZ, weights = _normalise_weights(logZ, weights, ntrim) for i, (s, w) in enumerate(zip(samples, weights)): samples[i] = _equally_weight_samples(s, w) return fgivenx.samples.compute_samples(f, x, samples, parallel=parallel, cache=cache, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs)
[docs]def compute_pmf(f, x, samples, **kwargs): r""" Compute the probability mass function given `x` at a range of `x` values for :math:`y = f(x|\theta)` :math:`P(y|x) = \int P(y=f(x;\theta)|x,\theta) P(\theta) d\theta` :math:`\mathrm{pmf}(y|x) = \int_{P(y'|x) < P(y|x)} P(y'|x) dy'` Additionally, if a list of log-evidences are passed, along with list of functions, samples and optional weights it marginalises over the models according to the evidences. Parameters ---------- f: function function :math:`f(x;\theta)` (or list of functions for each model) with dependent variable :math:`x`, parameterised by :math:`\theta`. x: 1D array-like `x` values to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. samples: 2D array-like :math:`\theta` samples (or list of :math:`\theta` samples) to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. `shape = (nsamples, npars)` logZ: 1D array-like, optional log-evidences of each model if multiple models are passed. Should be same length as the list `f`, and need not be normalised. Default: `numpy.ones_like(f)` weights: 1D array-like, optional sample weights (or list of weights), if desired. Should have length same as `samples.shape[0]`. Default: `numpy.ones_like(samples)` ny: int, optional Resolution of y axis. Default: `100` y: array-like, optional Explicit descriptor of `y` values to evaluate. Default: `numpy.linspace(min(f), max(f), ny)` ntrim: int, optional Approximate number of samples to trim down to, if desired. Useful if the posterior is dramatically oversampled. Default: None cache: str, optional File root for saving previous calculations for re-use parallel, tqdm_args: see docstring for :func:`fgivenx.parallel.parallel_apply` Returns ------- 1D numpy.array: `y` values pmf is computed at `shape=(len(y))` or `ny` 2D numpy.array: pmf values at each `x` and `y` `shape=(len(x),len(y))` """ logZ = kwargs.pop('logZ', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) ny = kwargs.pop('ny', 100) y = kwargs.pop('y', None) ntrim = kwargs.pop('ntrim', 100000) parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) cache = kwargs.pop('cache', '') tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', {}) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) # y if y is not None: y = numpy.array(y, dtype='double') if len(y.shape) is not 1: raise ValueError("y should be a 1D array") fsamps = compute_samples(f, x, samples, logZ=logZ, weights=weights, ntrim=ntrim, parallel=parallel, cache=cache, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) if y is None: ymin = fsamps[~numpy.isnan(fsamps)].min(axis=None) ymax = fsamps[~numpy.isnan(fsamps)].max(axis=None) y = numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny) return y, fgivenx.mass.compute_pmf(fsamps, y, parallel=parallel, cache=cache, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs)
[docs]def compute_dkl(f, x, samples, prior_samples, **kwargs): r""" Compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence at each value of `x` for the prior and posterior defined by `prior_samples` and `samples`. Parameters ---------- f: function function :math:`f(x;\theta)` (or list of functions for each model) with dependent variable :math:`x`, parameterised by :math:`\theta`. x: 1D array-like `x` values to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. samples, prior_samples: 2D array-like :math:`\theta` samples (or list of :math:`\theta` samples) from posterior and prior to evaluate :math:`f(x;\theta)` at. `shape = (nsamples, npars)` logZ: 1D array-like, optional log-evidences of each model if multiple models are passed. Should be same length as the list `f`, and need not be normalised. Default: `numpy.ones_like(f)` weights, prior_weights: 1D array-like, optional sample weights (or list of weights), if desired. Should have length same as `samples.shape[0]`. Default: `numpy.ones_like(samples)` ntrim: int, optional Approximate number of samples to trim down to, if desired. Useful if the posterior is dramatically oversampled. Default: None cache, prior_cache: str, optional File roots for saving previous calculations for re-use parallel, tqdm_args: see docstring for :func:`fgivenx.parallel.parallel_apply` kwargs: further keyword arguments Any further keyword arguments are plotting keywords that are passed to :func:`fgivenx.plot.plot`. Returns ------- 1D numpy array: dkl values at each value of `x`. """ logZ = kwargs.pop('logZ', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) prior_weights = kwargs.pop('prior_weights', None) ntrim = kwargs.pop('ntrim', None) cache = kwargs.pop('cache', '') prior_cache = kwargs.pop('prior_cache', '') parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', False) tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', {}) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs) if logZ is None: logZ = [0] f = [f] samples = [samples] prior_samples = [prior_samples] weights = [weights] prior_weights = [prior_weights] cache = [cache] prior_cache = [prior_cache] DKLs = [] for fi, c, pc, s, w, ps, pw in zip(f, cache, prior_cache, samples, weights, prior_samples, prior_weights): fsamps = compute_samples(fi, x, s, weights=w, ntrim=ntrim, parallel=parallel, cache=c, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) fsamps_prior = compute_samples(fi, x, ps, weights=pw, ntrim=ntrim, parallel=parallel, cache=pc, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) dkls = fgivenx.dkl.compute_dkl(fsamps, fsamps_prior, parallel=parallel, cache=c, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) DKLs.append(dkls) logZ = numpy.array(logZ) DKLs = numpy.array(DKLs) Zs = numpy.exp(logZ-logZ.max()) Zs /= Zs.sum() return numpy.sum(Zs * DKLs.transpose(), axis=1)